Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What time is it?

Since I was a little child, time zones have been fascinating me. Especially on 31th of December…. 24 hours one by one every country celebrates the New Year. I have been watching news every hour on 31th of December since I can remember… Even if I have celebrated the New Year, I always follow with different time zones. And the New Year’s Eve never finishes until all of the world celebrates…
When I was a child, time zone was becoming plausible to me on New Year’s Eve. After moving to Tokyo, it became more comprehensible. My brain designated in itself an area for time calculations.
UTC+12.00 is Tokyo
UTC.0.00 is London
UTC-5.00 is New York
UTC-8.00 is Los Angeles

I try to adjust the time zone that I live in. My family and some of my friends live in other time zones. How can I talk to them? It is not polite to text a friend at 3.00am, right? Unless it is urgent. :)
When I wake up in the morning, Europe is sleeping, US is about to go to sleep. When I go to sleep, Europe is working, US wakes up. We all are not living on the same day. 
Tokyo 8.54am
I am refreshed and ready to a new day. My friends in London are still partying or asleep, its 1.00am. If they are awake I can talk to them. Considering the calendar, we are on the same day. If they are sleeping it does not count they are not aware of the day. If they are still awake, it means that they haven’t finished the day. That day is yesterday for me.
Ohh! New York, it is 7.54pm. Perfect dinner time, most of the people starting to get tired. And it is yesterday for me
Los Angeles its 4.54pm. Happy hours start, work is finished, I suppose they are a little tired, there are living my yesterday.  I am starting to work while they are finishing the work day, I envy a little
I can’t call anyone in the morning. I focus on my day.  


                                                                  Tokyo 12.05 am
I am just in the mood for friendly conversations, it’s the middle of day am becoming tired but not completely tired. I still have work hours to go and I can work, I have the energy.
London 04.05am. They must be sleeping soundly. If I think more about London, I would consider a little lunch time nap: Same day
Ooh, it is New York again. 11.05 pm just the happy hours. The satisfaction of finishing the errands, all the meals, some drinks with friends… I envy New York at noon.
Los Angeles 8.05 pm. If I am not happy with my lunch, teleport me to Los Angeles for dinner J We all have wishes for teleportation.  New York and Los Angeles are on my yesterday. So it will be not only a teleportation but also a time travel. :)
Lunch time day dream is finished. 

Tokyo 8.41 pm
After I finished my work, my evening is busy, I am more focused on my time zone in the evening, but my time zone calculations begin at 9.00 pm,
London is 12.41 pm, nice, I can talk with Europe.
New York, 7.41 am, I can’t keep up with the new day energy they have. We are all on the same day.
Los Angeles, 4.41 am, good morning, at least they are also on board, on the same day.

In the morning, I am fully on Tokyo mode, ready for the day.
At the lunch time, I won’t mind being in LA or New York for a change, to chill a little… I promise to go back to work after the lunch break, if we had a tele porter/time machine. :)
In the evening, I am just glad that we are living the same day.
I have developed a brain are for time zones. I do this time travel thinking regularly to enjoy myself, to stay connected to others and to be aware of the relativity of time.

Cheers, at what time you may be,

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